Niko Girls Secondary School

Niko Girls Secondary School

Niko Girls secondary school is located in the Namwala district of Southern Province. The school came to be part of the Her Future Her Choice (HFHC) project through the establishment of the HFHC clubs in schools in the year 2020.

Prior to the establishment of the club in the school, the pupils shared that they had no platform for them to share, interact and have discussions around Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) with their peers. The knowledge of SRHR-related topics such as teenage pregnancies, early marriages, gender-based violence and human rights was generally low among the girls in the school.

The school had recorded dropouts due to pregnancy and early marriages in their communities. 

After the establishment of the HFHC club in the school, Generation Alive has engaged the girls and the pupils in awareness-raising sessions on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

Niko Secondary School Headteacher shared with the Generation Alive team how young girls (learners) have become more assertive and proactive in owning their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. The head teacher highlighted how the school had recorded a drastic reduction in the number of girls dropping out of school due to early marriages and pregnancy. Further, the School Head teacher shared how the girls (learners) in the school club had become innovative and are able to mobilize and conduct community outreaches in the surrounding areas of Namwala District where they have been able to educate community members on various issues ranging from GBV and related services, teenage pregnancy, early and child marriages, the dangers of unsafe abortions, HIV/AIDS and other Sexual and Reproductive Health related subjects.  In addition, the School club had been utilizing school open days to raise awareness of SRHR among their peers.

The girls shared with Generation Alive how the club had positively influenced their lives on an individual level. The girls highlighted that the information and knowledge gained through the clubs have helped them make informed choices about their health. Additionally, the girls shared how confident they are about their future because they are aware of their rights and have comprehensive information on SRHR which will help them make informed decisions.

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